Thursday, November 5, 2015

A perfectly good spot: Battenkill @ Middle Falls

70  F  partly sunny
I went down under the falls today, Ollie was with me, and it was a cool place, but I couldn't get a handle on the scene.

#654 Battenkill @ Middle Falls



Today's Money Shot.

Sometimes I'll get to a place, and it may have taken some time to get there, and that's where and what I think I should paint, this was never more true than today, the obvious scene had little contrasts and was compositionally confused, I knew that from the start but went right along with it.

One of many fishing places, I've been in and around, but not in this exact location, the fact is exploring all the nooks and crannies takes a lot of time, and depending on the season and the lighting conditions, well planning is not possible.

This was from yesterday, I ran to paint this tree before I lost all the light on it, it was quick!

#653  Out front



There is a bit of panic when you know that there will be such a short amount of light, but I guess that's the challenge, and I like challenges.

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