Saturday, September 19, 2015

Reafield Farm Rd. with cows

75  F  some clouds

It was another picture perfect day, and I went out in the morning looking for a harvest scene, but found this one instead.

#624  Reafield Farm Rd.




I generally shy away from compositions with an un-interrupted
horizontal line, and a large open field in the foreground, but the barn grouping was worth the attempt.

I was closing in on it, when I was surprised by some visitors.


Of course they payed my no regard as they were in constant motion, I threw on some black and white paint in the pattern that I thought I saw for a moment or two, and that's what I got.

This was the scene at the start.

Today's "Money Shot"

My pallet.

My spot, I also had a visit from a human friend, which was nice.

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