Sunday, September 20, 2015

Meetinghouse Rd.

68  F  sunny!

Today's "Money Shot".

#625 Meetinghouse Rd.



I often don't know what I'm looking for when I go out, sometimes I think this place is so picturesque, it's fantasyland, and want some grit, not so easy to find.

This type of composition is very familiar to me, I seem to be able to find them anywhere.

Often there are times when I'm totally lost and don't have a way out, that happened.

Here is where I ended up.  Somehow I think it came together.

This is the scene at the start, it was just before 5, so I had plenty of time to fuss with it, and maybe that worked, and the scene improved with longer shadows.

Here is the sight-size shot.

My spot.

This is looking the other way.

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