Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Delavan Rd. & view from shop,

65  F  big clouds, sporadic breeze.
This was my 2nd painting today, it's the view right outside my workshop doors.

#527  view from shop.


8 x 10

This is the "Money Shot" from my first painting,  from the early afternoon.

I started with green, I never start with green.

The trees have been blossoming and I'm wanting to paint them, but it's so short lived!

When the light was on the trees, and the far hills were in shade, you could "get" the scene, it didn't stay that way.....

Here is where I ended up.

#526 Delavan Rd. (view of Perry's Orchard)

My scene, this is Perry's Orchard.

This is the scene in shade.

This is the scene in light.

The "Money Shot"

I'm right outside my workshop doors, If you ever need to find me, this is the first place to look.

I just had to paint this, I look at it a lot.

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