Monday, May 4, 2015

Battenkill @ Center Falls

85  F  some sun, some clouds, some wind, some calm.
 It felt hot today and I worked a window job most of it, so I thought I'd take Ollie to the river, he liked it.

#519 Battenkill @ Center Falls


11 x 12

Clouds were coming and going as was the wind, changing the quality of  the water, so when the river was calm and the  clouds were away the scene just popped,

The mirror image of the mill, the hills and the sky, pretty awesome, no?

I liked the exhaust structures on top of the roof.

There is always so much detail and you can only include what's important, for me that's what I can see in a squint.

This is where I finished.

My scene when it was perfect.

There are lots of reasons to set up right next to the water, Ollie is one of them, he loves to swim and play along the bank.

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