Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cambridge creek, one clear spot

45  F  wet, cloudy
It snowed then rained last night, and it's really warm and overcast now.

The "money shot"

#459 Cambridge creek, out back

7 x 7  oil on prepared paper

I had to get out. I needed to find something clear, and I found it in this patch of the creek.

There was a simplicity to the scene, well it's a close -up, and it's almost monochrome.

I needed to get a sense of the dark and light reflection off the water, essentially made by the large trees.

I used the pallet knife for the water, and it seemed to work, but the lights were too light.

Here is where I ended up. It's pretty abstract as these studies often end up just: an arrangement of shapes.

 Here is my scene, the water was the subject, but the trees played top supporting role.

My pallet, I just made a new stack of panels, just need to tone them, but the canvas and paper is good for quick sketches...

Ollie barked at this stranger across the creek, you'd think he'd know me by now.


  1. I like your painting, your pallet and the picture of Ollie (whose coat color fits with the color of the trees)! Good job. stay warm!

    1. Thanks Chani, sometimes I like being just out back, after Ollie found me across the creek, he didn't even bother to come over and visit!

  2. Nice painting. I had a brother named Ollie.

    1. Thanks Joey, we all liked the name, and it fit perfectly for him, such a sweet, loveable friend!
