Thursday, October 9, 2014

Sunset on Content Farm Rd.

60  F  clear by sunset
I ran out at the end of the day to try and catch a sunset. It was fast and hard to catch!

The Money Shot

#418 Content Farm Rd.

7 x 10

This was my scene it was about 5:30 and the sun would set completely at 6:21, but what a scene!

This was quick, I thought a more squarish format would have been better but I didn't have one at the ready.

The scene had high drama, here I'm setting the stage. the darks actually were really green looking but I needed them really dark to have the lights look lighter.

Here is my scene when I started,

here it is 1/2 hour or so later, completely dead, so I got what I got.


  1. A nice road, but certainly difficult to capture at this time of the day!

    1. Thanks Chani, yes, for me where I have to paint what's in front of me the light is fleeting!
