Monday, October 6, 2014

I forgot how to paint, again! (6th Lake & Lock # 4, Hudson @ Stillwater)

66  F  cloudy.

Here is where I ended up today. I'm at Canal # 4, Hudson river in Still water NY.

#416, Hudson River from Lock 4.

8 x 10

My scene, There's a metal RR bridge way down river, you can barely see it in this photo.

There's a dog too!

My set up.

Life on the river.

The lock open from the down river side.

This really is the last time I use this camera, not having the view finder is a bit inconvenient. My new camera is charging for the first time!

#415 was done at the cabin yesterday and I don't have a photo of any kind, it looks a little fuzzy and I was thinking maybe it wouldn't exist, but maybe it would.


  1. Well done! Congrats on your new camera. BTW: The picture with the boat is very nice as well.

    1. Thanks! If the boat wasn't moving it would have been great!
