Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sheilds Road

57  mostly sunny
Here is the money shot from today, it's a bit dark, but that's what happens this time of day.

#401 Shields Rd.

11 x 14

I've been wanting to paint in this area for a while, it's just beautiful, in every direction.

Sky and road.

I haven't been doing huge vistas recently (a week?) nor have I been doing "pure" no trace of man-made, But this won't be pure.....

Lots of green!  with the days getting shorter, and the night colder the landscape will start to change quickly!

The depth is primarily achieved by atmospheric perspective, that is the color and intensity of hue establishing a sense of distance.

Close.  I have a little cold, mostly congestion, and I didn't want to be in a video. I had a lot of great responses from yesterday's posts,
some from old friends and family, people I've known forever, and that's nice!

Just at the end of my 2 hr, painting session today, the light hit the power lines and bang! they popped right out.

The sun was still high enough not to cause any major problems,

This is easy.

This is #401,  since I re-booted painting in my life,( May, 2012) after many years, doing so many other things, and telling myself that art didn't pay and I needed a 12 step program not to make art. It worked for a while, then I turned 50 and was in a different place, I fell off the wagon and only wonder why I ever got on it.


  1. A beautiful painting! I am not sure if I prefer the stage "close" (without electric cables) or the end result. They are both very nice.
    We make art because we need it like breathing, independently of the fact that it pays or does not pay. Maybe we artists are fools, but without us, life would be dull and grey. Get well soon!

  2. Thanks Chani! I admit to being a fool, and in this crazy world the fools maybe the only sane characters left! I had stopped making sculpture, and was essentially an artisan-carpenter, for some time. It took a lot of convincing for me to "go back" to painting, but I think all of those experiences have added to my work.

    1. In this world, what is "fool" and what is "normal"? I am not sure there is a definition for normality. In our society, for example, is it normal to live to work, and to have money on your bank account that you cannot spend because you have no time to do so. Of course, one has to make a living, but... For me, painting and using a camera is going back where I have always been, but life made me forget about it. My mom used to tear my abstract paintings because they were "useless", and my dad bought me a big camera as I was asking for a small one (I was just 12 years old). But then, as the big and expensive camera was there, I was not allowed and not able to use it. So, "normal" is for me now to do what I feel the best for me, as long as I do not hurt the rights of others with the things I do.

    2. I'm sorry to hear that your childhood creativity was so problematic, maybe it made you more determined to continue to create as an adult. You have an enlightened view of "normal" being "do no harm to others" I don't know if the world, or much of it anyways, sees it like that. Keep painting and taking photographs, they are beautiful, and alive and adding beauty and life to the world is always good!
