Saturday, August 30, 2014

SAW hill, from outside.

79  F  sunny
I went up to Salem Art Works today, to say hi, it's been 5 days since finally made it back to Cambridge, it was nice to see some old friends!

View from Saw hill, it's big!

Trucks, there was clearing maybe the trucks will move again.

Just outside of the SAW property, the light from over the hill was perfect.

Set up.

This panel went to Germany and back.

I've heard a lot of people work dark to light, but I don't think you can ignore the light before too much painting goes by.


Here the telephone pole, I like the way it breaks things up.

The scene.

My van, easy, I like easy.

Looking up Stanton Hill Rd.


  1. Well done! I like the yellows flowers at the front! I was thinking such a scene could be near the other Salem as well: same greens... But as I saw your van, I knew this could not be Germany ;-)

    1. Thanks Chani! If I picked just the right spots, and photos of them you might not know I ever returned! I'm glad to be at home with my family, still a little tired! We are so much more spread out here, such longer distances between places, a bike would not get me very far.....
