Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Finding more roads near Schloss Spetzgart, a visit to the Zeppelin Museum, pictures of Salem, NY.

70  F  Sunny nice day.
This is 1/2 way down the hill from Schloss Spetzgart, there are lots of vineyards and views of the lake.


Far hills.

Mid-range hills.




Money shot.


The way back to the castle, the road: Zum Rebosch.

Our group, traveling in vans at the Zeppelin Museum, in the town of Friedrichshafen.

There was the historical side.

The art side.

Painting by Otto Dix.

After we went to the studio of Hubert Kaltenmark, a Salem2Salem alumni, in the little farm village of Hiltensweiler.

This is one of Hubert's works, it's from a photo taken in Salem, NY!

Both visits were graciously hosted, and wonderful to be part of, much appreciation  those that made this possible. Day after day, the people I meet, places I go, fascinate and broaden  my awareness of this small world we inhabit, I'm truly blessed by all these people, places and opportunities.


  1. A wonderful vineyard there, well done! And thank you for the travelogue, it is interesting indeed!
