Friday, October 2, 2015

Fall in! Tomorrow, Wilmington Vt.

52  F  cloudy

This is right around the corner from my house.

#631Content Farm Rd.



Last year the colors of the trees were elusive, so I'm thinking I'll try and find colorful trees.

I prefer sunny days, but I don't have a choice now, and the color, at times can pierce the grey-green to good effect.

Not bad for a half an hour.

My pallet.

Earlier in the day I went over to the Battenkill in Battenville, and Ollie and me hung out in one of our favorite places.

I hadn't painted since last Saturday, I didn't knw which way was up!

From the start I was thinking this was too small a panel for the place, but I forged on.

Here is where I ended up. There were some decent contrasts with the clouds thinning a bit to let more mid-day light through.

#630 Battenkill @ Battenville



There was a lot to like in the scene.

The Money Shot.

My spot.

Ollie likes to come to the river, but I think I woke him.

Tomorrow  from around 10-5:00  I'll be doing an "Open Studio" @ the Wellman Farm off route 100 North of Wilmington,  (Wellman Rd.) in Vermont. if you're near stop on by and say hi!

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