Monday, July 7, 2014

Adirondack weekend: kids return, dock time, lost paint, (part1)

Perfect weather for 4th of July!
This is from yesterday, Sunday July 6th, I forgot the camera, (can't figure out my cell phone camera, at least not now) I went out looking for a new location to paint and I found one!

#337 Off Rondaxe Trail

12 x 16


This is from Friday, the 4th of July, we returned to the Cabin, collecting our kids. This is the Beaver pond, Ned's rock. to be exact. I forgot cadmium lemon, and really missed it!

#334 view from Ned's rock

9 x 12


I've done this scene, and it's weird to be looking down and seeing the reflection of the trees point down!

I was going to switch up my pallet, but not that much,when I forgot to take my favorite yellow, I had to deal.

The scene posed quite a few challenges......

The reflection is everything.....

Moving along, had to figure out how to paint with so many different colors!

This is where I ended up.

This is my spot, a bit awkward, but most awesome, and no one to interrupt.

This is Hope in the middle, Alane is to the right, Abby the left and Emma, behind Hope, This was the longest Hope has been away, and she had a great time, Emma had gone to NYC with her Aunt Cyndee, and we all re-convened at the cabin, this is the pick-up @ Unirondack  Saturday morning!


  1. thanks for showing step by step. very nice

  2. Wonderful water reflections. I especially like the Beaver pond painting!
