Thursday, April 9, 2015

Paint +an old friend + a performance = a great adventure!

67  F  some clouds some sun, a gust of wind.
I went up to Santa Fe and on a hunch took a side road, it was dirt.

#505  Waldo Canyon Rd. NM


This is not far from Santa Fe, but you feel like your in the middle of nowhere (my favorite place).

An isolated gust of wind blew my panel over and sent a tumbleweed rolling by.

I usually don't crop the tops of hills, but I'm usually not in a desert in New Mexico.

This is where I finished, a lot of the toned canvas is showing, it was perfect and I like that. (sorry about the glare)

The light is so bright out here and I had forgotten to take my shades off.

Despite trying to keep all my "parameters" the same everything seemed to change anyway.

This is down the road, it's a railroad bridge over a river bed with no water!

After painting I went to Santa Fe and had lunch with an old friend, We were freshmen at Bennington college in 1979 and I hadn't seen him in 32 years, he hadn't changed a bit, how does that happen?  later this evening our friends took me and my family to see a flamenco dance performance in Albuquerque and it was spectacular! Indeed this visit to New Mexico is shaping up to be memorable in so many ways, and it's not over yet!

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