Monday, March 17, 2014

Creek on Conley Rd. forgot how to paint, again.

26  F  sunny, windy.
Here is where I ended up today, I really should take it back it's just not right.

Starting with white, in this case made sense, at least in a nonsensical way.

I thought it was going OK,  I was looking for a barn, and I wanted some reasonably distant view, but I saw this creek and liked the way it cut into the field, and the brightness of the snow, but i couldn't get a handle on the way the fields receded so strait.

There are a lot of subtleties, in the way the field goes back and I just got confused and forgot how to paint.

I had almost 2 hours so it might have not been the time, I also chose a view where the sun wasn't strait above, but it was still wicked bright anyway.

I got it here I'm thinking I need to take it back, I think the white of the far hills is too white and the brush going along the west side of the creek isn't figured out either......

Here is my scene, it's a good scene too, I think I need to do it more or again or both.

My Pallet: titanium white, cadmium lemon, cadmium yellow, light, burnt  seinna, alizerine crimson, zinc white, prussian blue and ultra marine blue. the "black" in the middle is ultramarine and burnt sienna. The cap has my medium,  stand oil, damar varnish and turpentine.

 The back light was very strong and you can see the mess I made.


  1. A wonderful place but certainly not easy to paint. It would be a good idea to come back in a couple of weeks when the snow is gone, but it won't probably be easier as the landscape is so wide.

  2. Thanks Chani, I'm going back today to see if I can rescue it!
