Monday, June 15, 2015

Hudson River @ Albany: a re-do.

68  F  cloudy.
I went down to Albany, to see about putting some work up in the offices of a non-profit.  I thought it would rain all day, but the rain stopped and I went back to a scene I did in April.

#546 Hudson River @ Albany



Lots of white, is this winter again?

The sky and the water are not the same, but there not much different.

The last time I was here I had a similar day, overcast, my painting was weird, ethereal, but I didn't like it.

It was an easy day to paint without sun in my eyes.

I always adhere to the "most different" rule, which states to compare the scene to your canvas and paint the most different thing between the two. When I do trestle bridges, I amend that rule, and paint what's behind first, then I scratch in the bridge with my pallet knife.

Having a rough textured and dry surface helps at this stage.

Here is where I finished.

My scene.

A perfect place for a painter.

Sight-size shot.

My pallet.

#512  Hudson River @ Albany


9 x 12

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