Sunday, June 22, 2014

Wait's Hill Rd, a revisit.

75  F sunny with big clouds.
Here is today's money shot, this is a favorite spot!

#326  Wait's Hill Road

11 x 14


I do love this scene, the way the foreground rolls into the background and the far hill rises behind it.

I started with green, the largest expanse of light green.


The clouds were laying shadows on the far hills, in patterns, and then changing and changing and changing some more.

I was in the wilderness for a while,I loved the darkness of the far hill in the shadow of the cloud, and the way it worked with the middle ground, but has a difficult time with the light pattern sections on those same far hills.

The shadow problems that dogged me were paralleled, by confusion on my pallet, I just felt a bit lost!

 As the session progressed I was able to get it together, I found my way on the pallet, and the shadows cooperated enough so I could get a grip.

The scene.
Sight size shot.

This is nice, I came right to this spot, and when does that happen?


  1. A beautitul spot - and an amazing sky in the picture "The scene". Well done!

  2. Yes, this is a favorite spot, and for good reason! There are times (like these) when I wish I was a sky guy!
