Sunday, February 1, 2015

Stevenson Rd. into the light........pushing through.

19   F   sunny, calm.
The "Money Shot" for today.

#474  Stevenson Rd.

8 x 10

I've got the panel back against the sun, I  like this over having the sun on the panel, but ultimately I wanted the scene with the orientation of the light on it.


There are a lot of whites, On my pallet, I have titanium, gamblin warm white and a little zinc.

I held back on the dark's until after I got a few different tones of the white, some were cool and a little blue some were warmer with a brownish tint, and another was more yellowy, these are extremely subtle differences.

This is where I stopped. It wasn't because of the light changing, or because I was getting cold,  I was OK.  I ended because any more  and it would be overworked.  I don't like fussy, I don't want to "go over" what I put down, (even though I do sometimes). I want the paint handling to be fresh, and my reaction to tone and color to be instinctual and not over thought.

The luminosity of the sky was what drew me to this scene, and of course the road bring you to it.

This is the "Sight-Size Shot".

The Pallet.

Here is my spot, I've been here before, and I'll probably be here again.

I was feeling wiped out today.  Last night's opening was fantastic, then this morning we had friends over for brunch, mimosa's and to pick out their painting of Hedges Lake.  At noon the sun was out, it's Sunday, and there's a snow storm on it's way, so the weather calls. There may be days when I'm dying to get out and it rains, but today I pushed myself out the door, without a preference, just wanting something close to home, and  an 8 x 10. Once I got going I was fine, and it didn't matter I had been so tired.

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