Sunday, December 1, 2013

Gallery/ Open Studio.138 W. Main ST, Cambridge, NY. 12816

I put my work up the the room out in the barn, I've had people ask if my work was for sale, and I've always said YES!  now I've got a clean, (maybe a bit cold!) room to show them.

I'm also getting ready for my show in the 2nd Floor galley at the City Hall in Glens Falls. I'll need 26- 30 paintings, so It'll be easier to organize out here. I'll be installing Dec. 28th, so a bunch of this work will go there.

There are a lot of painting here, framed and un-framed. I can also order frames or sell  them un-framed.

 I set my prices by the size, for example an 11" x 14" un-framed painting is $300.00 + tax.  a decent frame is about $50.00

Please call my cell #  519-708-0759 for an appointment.


  1. Very impressive, Matt. It will be exciting to see how people respond to your show. I suspect very favorably.

    1. Thank you Don and Karen, The e-world's been very responsive, the actual world....but it's good to see them up and helpful in planning shows, etc. Matt.
